Steam Id for KING-LION-UA from United States. Real name Ілля and SteamID64 is 76561199473469058
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:0:756601665
steamID3: [U:1:1513203330]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561199473469058
steamID64 (Hex): 11000015a31a682
profile state Public
profile created January 25th, 2023
real name Ілля
location United States
Last update April 21, 2023

KING-LION-UA Steam Friends list

stas3048 STEAM_0:1:105774539 0507 days
LAZY❤$CRООGE❤FAIL STEAM_0:0:187548019 0559 days
сорри что выебал STEAM_0:1:228644876 0553 days
se STEAM_0:0:443239622 0476 days
𝕃𝕌ℂ𝕀𝔽𝔼ℝ STEAM_0:0:450488845 0517 days
АНДРЕГРАУНД STEAM_0:0:462626696 0580 days
ПиСюГаН STEAM_0:0:521466285 0580 days
Minato STEAM_0:1:534826765 0569 days
ks.? STEAM_0:0:546961138 0567 days
??? STEAM_0:1:558407456 0575 days
_onigiri_ STEAM_0:0:578374872 0384 days
-=Tiger=- STEAM_0:1:756075703 0581 days
👻 УмЕр От CoViD-19 👻 STEAM_0:0:758088294 0570 days
bodyarolex STEAM_0:1:761037586 0520 days

KING-LION-UA Steam Signature

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KING-LION-UA Steam Signature

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