Steam Id for EL JEFE from United States. Real name Jeff Keen and SteamID64 is 76561198981524028
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:0:510629150
steamID3: [U:1:1021258300]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198981524028
steamID64 (Hex): 11000013cdf2a3c
profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198981524028
profile state Public
profile created August 1st, 2019
name EL JEFE
real name Jeff Keen
location United States
Last update January 29, 2023

EL JEFE Steam Friends list

MentalTwilight STEAM_0:1:6850642 1445 days
Ricochet STEAM_0:1:32556000 1566 days
TheJFKexperience STEAM_0:0:50591950 1851 days
Lux STEAM_0:0:80979807 1339 days
Clyde STEAM_0:0:86103614 1431 days
Kecte STEAM_0:1:123412188 2020 days
ashinine (gone sexual) STEAM_0:1:126602953 1341 days
♿⚠JuicyNoose⚠♿ STEAM_0:0:166282321 1852 days
-xx-NAPALM-xx- STEAM_0:1:200023194 1332 days
Primal | Dipsy Dangles STEAM_0:1:230792198 0026 days
bubbl3z1 STEAM_0:0:480554047 1675 days
Xtra. STEAM_0:0:520100864 1609 days
JusAverage STEAM_0:1:522954491 1762 days
JordyJoeStar STEAM_0:1:618449023 0212 days

EL JEFE Steam Signature

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EL JEFE Steam Signature

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