Minstaro g4skins Steam ID

Steam Id for Minstaro g4skins from Canton, Ohio, United States. SteamID64 is 76561198962316214
Steam Collection Value$302.84
Pile of Shame Value$19.99
Best Value GameAge of History II
Jump To Pile Of Shame Jump To Best Value Games
steamID: STEAM_0:0:501025243
steamID3: [U:1:1002050486]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198962316214
steamID64 (Hex): 11000013bba13b6
profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198962316214
profile state Public
profile created May 3rd, 2019
name Minstaro g4skins
real name Not set
location Canton, Ohio, United States
Last update April 22, 2023

Minstaro g4skins Pile of Shame

There are 5 unplayed games in Minstaro g4skins's Pile of Shame.

They've only played 88% of the games in their collection.

Pile of shame value $19.99
Enough to buy 0 Steam DecksLine art of a Steam Deck
NameGame Cost
ARK: Survival Evolved header image ARK: Survival Evolved $19.99
Paladins® header image Paladins®
Bloons Monkey City header image Bloons Monkey City
ARK: The Survival Of The Fittest header image ARK: The Survival Of The Fittest
World of Warplanes header image World of Warplanes
Share your shame

Minstaro g4skins Best Value Games

GameHoursCost Per Hour
Age of History IIAge of History II123$0.04
Green HellGreen Hell74$0.34
The ForestThe Forest45$0.45
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021Car Mechanic Simulator 202146$0.54
People PlaygroundPeople Playground14$0.76
Dying LightDying Light29$1.06

Minstaro g4skins Steam Friends list

Tracker STEAM_0:1:31886182 1139 days
TECZUV STEAM_0:1:92873964 0878 days
i luv L STEAM_0:0:161819090 0665 days
Duck STEAM_0:1:168366633 0497 days
Janusz Korwin-Mikke STEAM_0:0:191712082 1923 days
Puszix STEAM_0:1:196366195 0986 days
Kawitil polski-survival.pl STEAM_0:0:196528871 0667 days
tomasz22032010 STEAM_0:0:455449420 1046 days
neX.- STEAM_0:0:463285314 0138 days
pacisko STEAM_0:0:490864628 0728 days
妓妓 Legend STEAM_0:0:511365398 0868 days
el menelos STEAM_0:0:523273496 1071 days
AmaroqYT *********** STEAM_0:1:526589968 0827 days
PatrixonZSRR STEAM_0:0:538542849 0772 days
rudygo555 polski-survival.pl STEAM_0:1:539052483 0878 days
El Adios g4skins STEAM_0:1:541414322 1342 days
Durex STEAM_0:0:541615348 0663 days
-Squickyy STEAM_0:1:558312013 0641 days
NotTugal g4skins STEAM_0:0:562846529 1117 days
N3qq STEAM_0:0:568060565 0449 days
xXLikeUSXx STEAM_0:0:569092236 0773 days

Minstaro g4skins Steam Signature

Here is the Minstaro g4skins Steam signature - you can use this on forums, social media, Twitch and anywhere else you like. Direct link the image and it will update when called with your latest stats and games. Make your own steam signature card by finding your SteamID on this site.

Minstaro g4skins Steam Signature

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Minstaro g4skins Calculator

Total value of Steam game collection today: $302.84 USD.
Total number of Steam games owned: 41.
Total playtime: 2268 hours.
The best value for money game in this collection is Age of History II that cost only $0.04 per hour.

Use our custom tools to build a Steam profile badge, calculate collection value, find Steam friends and discover the Pile of Shame.

If you find Steam ID Finder useful, then you could check out our main PC games site. PCGamesN has all the latest PC gaming news and huge resources like guides to free games, best PC MMOs, Steam games, and a constantly updated guide to the best PC games to play right now! Our tool works well for players trying to find Rust, Ark and CSGO Steam IDs.