Steam Id for JBURG from Vicksburg, Mississippi, United States. SteamID64 is 76561198814653341
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:1:427193806
steamID3: [U:1:854387613]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198814653341
steamID64 (Hex): 110000132eceb9d
profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198814653341
profile state Public
profile created February 14th, 2018
name JBURG
real name Not set
location Vicksburg, Mississippi, United States
Last update April 21, 2023

JBURG Steam Friends list

Seras STEAM_0:1:2012059 1799 days
Loren-3 STEAM_0:0:16693071 1776 days
SmolderingEgo STEAM_0:0:22451173 1772 days
Thelios STEAM_0:1:25747623 1808 days
WarMachine56 STEAM_0:0:28430168 1790 days
Domorobot0.TTV STEAM_0:1:41187882 0821 days
StormTroopin STEAM_0:0:41279871 1601 days
UltraCrowder STEAM_0:0:41547253 1806 days
Caba STEAM_0:1:46338427 1784 days
xTimc027x STEAM_0:0:50731475 1603 days
Caeldrim STEAM_0:1:53457751 1613 days
MountingFox STEAM_0:1:54147118 1799 days
C9 Beekayy STEAM_0:1:55413472 1791 days
Gunmetalrabbit STEAM_0:0:57759255 1799 days
Amoondrin STEAM_0:0:60786244 1789 days
r.lachance92 STEAM_0:1:67929028 1552 days
Dejection STEAM_0:1:76124013 1298 days
Rabbid- STEAM_0:1:77242212 1707 days
Mheh026 STEAM_0:0:81366351 0767 days
Grafer95 STEAM_0:1:117451594 1505 days
Campnut STEAM_0:1:119371575 1421 days

JBURG Steam Signature

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