nauka Steam ID

Steam Id for nauka from Amsterdam, New York, United States. SteamID64 is 76561198444340417
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:1:242037344
steamID3: [U:1:484074689]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198444340417
steamID64 (Hex): 11000011cda64c1
profile state Public
profile created November 14th, 2017
name nauka
real name Not set
location Amsterdam, New York, United States
Last update April 22, 2023

nauka Pile of Shame

There are 1 unplayed games in nauka's Pile of Shame.

They've only played 67% of the games in their collection.

Pile of shame value $0.00
Enough to buy 0 Steam DecksLine art of a Steam Deck
NameGame Cost
Apex Legends™ header image Apex Legends™
Share your shame

nauka Best Value Games

GameHoursCost Per Hour

nauka Steam Friends list

MooDYS STEAM_0:1:59519535 0099 days
Ya dal baeo bino STEAM_0:1:106225402 0867 days
Pupochek STEAM_0:1:107952845 0716 days
Max STEAM_0:1:110265906 0574 days
west side STEAM_0:1:110835303 1869 days
dev1ce STEAM_0:0:126243104 0649 days
husbiK agressor! STEAM_0:0:151460393 0696 days
Bombasenok STEAM_0:1:161536718 1846 days
Green-Zing STEAM_0:0:202874096 0470 days
sapok STEAM_0:1:209833273 0727 days
MaDaRa STEAM_0:0:420857068 0562 days
BBB STEAM_0:0:423492925 0875 days
alchon♡ STEAM_0:1:429414185 1128 days
太阳联盟的血腥杀手 STEAM_0:1:455941649 0850 days
🄺🄸🄺🄾 STEAM_0:0:457862936 0731 days
𝕹'𝕳𝕰𝖄 STEAM_0:0:460020810 0147 days
Asik STEAM_0:1:468740105 0596 days
n0thinG~ STEAM_0:0:474254259 0095 days
c+ STEAM_0:1:484542135 0571 days
✯B✪✪M✯ShaKalaKA✯ STEAM_0:1:493575910 0211 days
MICKY STEAM_0:0:506895671 0660 days

nauka Steam Signature

Here is the nauka Steam signature - you can use this on forums, social media, Twitch and anywhere else you like. Direct link the image and it will update when called with your latest stats and games. Make your own steam signature card by finding your SteamID on this site.

nauka Steam Signature

For websites and blogs
For forums

nauka Calculator

Total value of Steam game collection today: $0 USD.
Total number of Steam games owned: 3.
Total playtime: 1155 hours.
The best value for money game in this collection is that cost only $0.00 per hour.

Use our custom tools to build a Steam profile badge, calculate collection value, find Steam friends and discover the Pile of Shame.

If you find Steam ID Finder useful, then you could check out our main PC games site. PCGamesN has all the latest PC gaming news and huge resources like guides to free games, best PC MMOs, Steam games, and a constantly updated guide to the best PC games to play right now! Our tool works well for players trying to find Rust, Ark and CSGO Steam IDs.