boomsakalaka Steam ID

Steam Id for boomsakalaka, also known as suaijanyoung from United States. SteamID64 is 76561198263476392
Steam Collection Value$380.73
Pile of Shame Value$34.98
Best Value GameVampire Survivors
Jump To Pile Of Shame Jump To Best Value Games
steamID: STEAM_0:0:151605332
steamID3: [U:1:303210664]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198263476392
steamID64 (Hex): 11000011212a0a8
profile state Public
profile created November 30th, 2015
name boomsakalaka
real name Not set
location United States
Last update April 26, 2023

boomsakalaka Pile of Shame

There are 7 unplayed games in boomsakalaka's Pile of Shame.

They've only played 88% of the games in their collection.

Pile of shame value $34.98
Enough to buy 0 Steam DecksLine art of a Steam Deck
NameGame Cost
Little Nightmares header image Little Nightmares $19.99
Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator header image Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator $14.99
Block N Load header image Block N Load
Left 4 Dead header image Left 4 Dead
DCS World Steam Edition header image DCS World Steam Edition
Hero Hero's Land
Overwatch® 2 header image Overwatch® 2
Share your shame

boomsakalaka Best Value Games

GameHoursCost Per Hour
Vampire SurvivorsVampire Survivors22$0.23
Aim HeroAim Hero13$0.40
Draw & GuessDraw & Guess7$0.44
Risk of Rain 2Risk of Rain 249$0.51
Titanfall® 2Titanfall® 250$0.60
Core KeeperCore Keeper15$1.09
Noobs Want to LiveNoobs Want to Live5$1.16

boomsakalaka Steam Friends list

76561198124322119 STEAM_0:1:82028195 2639 days
QYX STEAM_0:1:85835707 0696 days
Bikkiii_Pupppy STEAM_0:0:100635361 1863 days
芝士海豹 STEAM_0:1:110605693 1578 days
空辰 STEAM_0:0:119939691 1883 days
世界終わり倒計時の姫 STEAM_0:0:141345479 2175 days
清枫 STEAM_0:0:150556242 2016 days
limiao0393 STEAM_0:0:151512144 3297 days
楚宁 STEAM_0:1:151638320 2240 days
Lin STEAM_0:1:153411098 0175 days
pikachupi STEAM_0:0:158464010 1578 days
nichunshima STEAM_0:1:161412409 1578 days
猫猫小屋 STEAM_0:1:171645117 1520 days
晦暗无光的不夜城 STEAM_0:0:179457151 1816 days
凌霄乀*c STEAM_0:0:180175961 0698 days
zhuzhuya STEAM_0:0:180229413 1522 days
Gioro STEAM_0:0:182627312 2016 days
小菜鸡来咯 STEAM_0:0:190379701 0409 days
小东东 STEAM_0:1:193666451 1844 days
诀大星抓星星 STEAM_0:0:196375848 0237 days
kimi seolhyun STEAM_0:1:200301498 1865 days

boomsakalaka Steam Signature

Here is the boomsakalaka Steam signature - you can use this on forums, social media, Twitch and anywhere else you like. Direct link the image and it will update when called with your latest stats and games. Make your own steam signature card by finding your SteamID on this site.

boomsakalaka Steam Signature

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boomsakalaka Calculator

Total value of Steam game collection today: $380.73 USD.
Total number of Steam games owned: 58.
Total playtime: 707 hours.
The best value for money game in this collection is Vampire Survivors that cost only $0.23 per hour.

Use our custom tools to build a Steam profile badge, calculate collection value, find Steam friends and discover the Pile of Shame.

If you find Steam ID Finder useful, then you could check out our main PC games site. PCGamesN has all the latest PC gaming news and huge resources like guides to free games, best PC MMOs, Steam games, and a constantly updated guide to the best PC games to play right now! Our tool works well for players trying to find Rust, Ark and CSGO Steam IDs.