Steam Id for PHO3NIX, also known as PHO3NIX9826 from United States. Real name Justin Schindler and SteamID64 is 76561198133142503
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:1:86438387
steamID3: [U:1:172876775]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198133142503
steamID64 (Hex): 11000010a4de3e7
profile state Public
profile created April 13th, 2014
name PHO3NIX
real name Justin Schindler
location United States
Last update April 21, 2023

PHO3NIX Steam Friends list

leilo332 STEAM_0:1:22043517 1666 days
Tnarrance STEAM_0:1:23899944 2362 days
It's Patrick STEAM_0:1:24055826 1533 days
JCit7 STEAM_0:0:34185080 2325 days
Soup STEAM_0:1:40528345 1071 days
Jofa STEAM_0:0:43601892 1168 days
fantaclauz STEAM_0:1:43670805 2305 days
wwarchie STEAM_0:1:45619207 2853 days
Mr. Krabs, I need to bust a nut STEAM_0:0:45714064 2296 days
Big Night STEAM_0:1:47394156 2284 days
Chad from HR STEAM_0:1:48277401 2473 days
ninjaHOOM STEAM_0:0:49350138 2350 days
Daniel STEAM_0:1:53162112 1656 days
Captain Chicken STEAM_0:0:53320065 2827 days
brobo4 STEAM_0:0:54999998 1660 days
Yale Guy STEAM_0:1:55160535 1881 days
Ophelia Cyanide STEAM_0:1:55874866 2872 days
toastytobs STEAM_0:0:58274539 2217 days
Psychic Hyena STEAM_0:0:59023042 1453 days
Abs0rbed STEAM_0:0:60147191 2829 days
ItsMeSaleh STEAM_0:0:60242624 1656 days

PHO3NIX Steam Signature

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PHO3NIX Steam Signature

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