00pengu7 Steam ID

Steam Id for 00pengu7, also known as 00pengu7 from Fountain Valley, California, United States. Real name Jonathan Gaydos and SteamID64 is 76561198058686557
Steam Collection Value$11,759.12
Pile of Shame Value$4,783.88
Best Value GameTomb Raider
Jump To Pile Of Shame Jump To Best Value Games
steamID: STEAM_0:1:49210414
steamID3: [U:1:98420829]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198058686557
steamID64 (Hex): 110000105ddc85d
profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058686557
profile state Public
profile created February 13th, 2012
name 00pengu7
real name Jonathan Gaydos
location Fountain Valley, California, United States
Last update April 20, 2023

00pengu7 Pile of Shame

There are 448 unplayed games in 00pengu7's Pile of Shame.

They've only played 47% of the games in their collection.

Pile of shame value $4,783.88
Enough to buy 11 Steam DecksLine art of a Steam Deck
NameGame Cost
DARK SOULS™ III header image DARK SOULS™ III $59.99
Life is Strange: True Colors header image Life is Strange: True Colors $59.99
Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom header image Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom $59.99
XCOM® 2 header image XCOM® 2 $59.99
F.E.A.R. header image F.E.A.R. $54.99
F.E.A.R. header image F.E.A.R. $54.99
Tales of Berseria™ header image Tales of Berseria™ $49.99
Sonic Forces header image Sonic Forces $39.99
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 header image Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 $39.99
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition header image Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition $39.99
BlazBlue Centralfiction header image BlazBlue Centralfiction $39.99
The Evil Within 2 header image The Evil Within 2 $39.99
Resident Evil Re:Verse header image Resident Evil Re:Verse $39.99
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus header image Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus $39.99
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire header image Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire $39.99
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel header image Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel $39.99
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission header image Carrier Command: Gaea Mission $32.99
Dishonored 2 header image Dishonored 2 $29.99
Crysis® 3 header image Crysis® 3 $29.99
Mass Effect 2 (2010) Edition header image Mass Effect 2 (2010) Edition $29.99
Metro Exodus header image Metro Exodus $29.99
Crysis 2 Remastered header image Crysis 2 Remastered $29.99
Shadow Warrior header image Shadow Warrior $29.99
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend header image BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend $29.99
Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ header image Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ $29.99
Sonic Lost World header image Sonic Lost World $29.99
Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered header image Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered $29.99
XCOM: Enemy Unknown header image XCOM: Enemy Unknown $29.99
Crysis 3 Remastered header image Crysis 3 Remastered $29.99
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided header image Deus Ex: Mankind Divided $29.99
Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition header image Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition $29.99
Mafia II: Definitive Edition header image Mafia II: Definitive Edition $29.99
Train Simulator Classic header image Train Simulator Classic $24.99
The Banner Saga 3 header image The Banner Saga 3 $24.99
LOST PLANET® 3 header image LOST PLANET® 3 $24.99
Owlboy header image Owlboy $24.99
Rain World header image Rain World $24.99
Ragnarock header image Ragnarock $24.99
The Banner Saga 2 header image The Banner Saga 2 $24.99
Dead Space™ 3 header image Dead Space™ 3 $19.99
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs header image Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs $19.99
Robinson: The Journey header image Robinson: The Journey $19.99
Call of Duty® 2 header image Call of Duty® 2 $19.99
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record header image Dead Rising 2: Off the Record $19.99
XCOM®: Chimera Squad header image XCOM®: Chimera Squad $19.99
Layers of Fear (2016) header image Layers of Fear (2016) $19.99
Homefront®: The Revolution header image Homefront®: The Revolution $19.99
Silence header image Silence $19.99
Asterix & Obelix XXL 3  - The Crystal Menhir header image Asterix & Obelix XXL 3 - The Crystal Menhir $19.99
Headlander header image Headlander $19.99
Space Quest™ Collection header image Space Quest™ Collection $19.99
Snake Pass header image Snake Pass $19.99
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend header image BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend $19.99
Borderlands 2 header image Borderlands 2 $19.99
The Walking Dead: The Final Season header image The Walking Dead: The Final Season $19.99
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition header image Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition $19.99
STAR WARS™: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes™ header image STAR WARS™: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes™ $19.99
Medal of Honor™ header image Medal of Honor™ $19.99
Sid Meier Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization $19.99
Carnival Games® VR header image Carnival Games® VR $19.99
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition header image Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition $19.99
Lucius II header image Lucius II $19.99
Wolfenstein: Youngblood header image Wolfenstein: Youngblood $19.99
RAD header image RAD $19.99
SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack header image SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack $19.99
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin header image Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin $19.99
Max Payne 3 header image Max Payne 3 $19.99
SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition header image SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition $19.99
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes header image The Testament of Sherlock Holmes $19.99
Cities in Motion 2 header image Cities in Motion 2 $19.99
Mirror Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst $19.99
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour header image Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour $19.99
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood header image Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $19.99
Tales from the Borderlands header image Tales from the Borderlands $19.99
Company of Heroes 2 header image Company of Heroes 2 $19.99
BioShock™ 2 Remastered header image BioShock™ 2 Remastered $19.99
Take On Helicopters header image Take On Helicopters $19.99
STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack header image STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack $19.99
Duke Nukem Forever header image Duke Nukem Forever $19.99
Gang Beasts header image Gang Beasts $19.99
Edna & Harvey: Harvey Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes $19.99
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space header image Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space $19.99
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma header image Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma $19.99
Sid Meier Sid Meier's Civilization® IV $19.99
Dead Space™ 2 header image Dead Space™ 2 $19.99
Dead Space (2008) header image Dead Space (2008) $19.99
Dead Rising® 2 header image Dead Rising® 2 $19.99
Deponia Doomsday header image Deponia Doomsday $19.99
Tacoma header image Tacoma $19.99
Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition header image Company of Heroes - Legacy Edition $19.99
Metro: Last Light Redux header image Metro: Last Light Redux $19.99
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead header image Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead $19.99
SPORE™ Galactic Adventures header image SPORE™ Galactic Adventures $19.99
Sonic Generations Collection header image Sonic Generations Collection $19.99
Dead Island Definitive Edition header image Dead Island Definitive Edition $19.99
The Turing Test header image The Turing Test $19.99
Umbrella Corps header image Umbrella Corps $19.99
SPORE™ header image SPORE™ $19.99
Tropico 4 header image Tropico 4 $14.99
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 4 - The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood header image Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 4 - The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood $14.99
Retro City Rampage™ DX header image Retro City Rampage™ DX $14.99
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier header image The Walking Dead: A New Frontier $14.99
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne header image Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne $14.99
Cave Story+ header image Cave Story+ $14.99
Sweet Lily Dreams header image Sweet Lily Dreams $14.99
STRIDER™ / ストライダー飛竜® header image STRIDER™ / ストライダー飛竜® $14.99
Risen 3 - Titan Lords header image Risen 3 - Titan Lords $14.99
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin header image F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin $14.99
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 2 - The Siege of Spinner Cay header image Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 2 - The Siege of Spinner Cay $14.99
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger header image Call of Juarez: Gunslinger $14.99
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD header image Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD $14.99
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 5 - Rise of the Pirate God header image Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 5 - Rise of the Pirate God $14.99
Quake 4 header image Quake 4 $14.99
Zeno Clash 2 header image Zeno Clash 2 $14.99
Iron Brigade header image Iron Brigade $14.99
World to the West header image World to the West $14.99
Risen header image Risen $14.99
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries header image The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries $14.99
Titan Souls header image Titan Souls $14.99
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 3 - Lair of the Leviathan header image Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 3 - Lair of the Leviathan $14.99
Hector: Badge of Carnage - Full Series header image Hector: Badge of Carnage - Full Series $14.99
Skyborn header image Skyborn $14.99
Europa Universalis III Complete header image Europa Universalis III Complete $14.99
Sacred 3 header image Sacred 3 $14.99
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones header image Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones $14.99
Magicka 2 header image Magicka 2 $14.99
Sacred 2 Gold header image Sacred 2 Gold $14.99
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series header image Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series $14.99
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition header image Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition $14.99
Hack Hack 'n' Slash $13.37
Teleglitch: Die More Edition header image Teleglitch: Die More Edition $12.99
Supreme Commander 2 header image Supreme Commander 2 $12.99
Lumino City header image Lumino City $12.99
Deadlight: Director Deadlight: Director's Cut $11.99
Bionic Commando: Rearmed header image Bionic Commando: Rearmed $9.99
ARMA: Gold Edition header image ARMA: Gold Edition $9.99
Dragon Dragon's Lair $9.99
STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast™ header image STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast™ $9.99
The Witcher Adventure Game header image The Witcher Adventure Game $9.99
Kingsway header image Kingsway $9.99
STAR WARS™: Rebel Assault I + II header image STAR WARS™: Rebel Assault I + II $9.99
Twinsen Twinsen's Little Big Adventure Classic $9.99
GNOG header image GNOG $9.99
STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns™ header image STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns™ $9.99
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing header image Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing $9.99
Nancy Drew®: Message in a Haunted Mansion header image Nancy Drew®: Message in a Haunted Mansion $9.99
Divine Knockout (DKO) header image Divine Knockout (DKO) $9.99
Manhunt header image Manhunt $9.99
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I header image Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I $9.99
Deponia header image Deponia $9.99
Devil Daggers header image Devil Daggers $9.99
Lost Horizon header image Lost Horizon $9.99
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source header image Half-Life Deathmatch: Source $9.99
Ticket to Ride header image Ticket to Ride $9.99
Sakura Agent header image Sakura Agent $9.99
Secret Files: Tunguska header image Secret Files: Tunguska $9.99
Space Ace header image Space Ace $9.99
Escape Goat 2 header image Escape Goat 2 $9.99
Omikron: The Nomad Soul header image Omikron: The Nomad Soul $9.99
The Red Solstice header image The Red Solstice $9.99
Hearts of Iron III header image Hearts of Iron III $9.99
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux header image Shadow Warrior Classic Redux $9.99
Sakura Angels header image Sakura Angels $9.99
STAR WARS™ Episode I Racer header image STAR WARS™ Episode I Racer $9.99
Sid Meier Sid Meier's Railroads! $9.99
Her Story header image Her Story $9.99
Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis header image Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis $9.99
Dustforce DX header image Dustforce DX $9.99
Kathy Rain header image Kathy Rain $9.99
Sakura Fantasy header image Sakura Fantasy $9.99
Police Quest™ Collection header image Police Quest™ Collection $9.99
The Norwood Suite header image The Norwood Suite $9.99
Majesty Gold HD header image Majesty Gold HD $9.99
Sonic Adventure 2 header image Sonic Adventure 2 $9.99
Take On Mars header image Take On Mars $9.99
Star Trek™ : 25th Anniversary header image Star Trek™ : 25th Anniversary $9.99
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition header image Dear Esther: Landmark Edition $9.99
Nuclear Dawn header image Nuclear Dawn $9.99
Twinsen Twinsen's Little Big Adventure 2 Classic $9.99
Sakura Beach 2 header image Sakura Beach 2 $9.99
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword header image Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword $9.99
The Lost Crown header image The Lost Crown $9.99
Nancy Drew®: Treasure in the Royal Tower header image Nancy Drew®: Treasure in the Royal Tower $9.99
Sacred Citadel header image Sacred Citadel $9.99
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet header image Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet $9.99
Grow Up header image Grow Up $9.99
Majesty 2 header image Majesty 2 $9.99
Blades of Time header image Blades of Time $9.99
Oxenfree header image Oxenfree $9.99
STAR WARS™ - X-Wing Alliance™ header image STAR WARS™ - X-Wing Alliance™ $9.99
Spacebase DF-9 header image Spacebase DF-9 $9.99
System Shock 2 header image System Shock 2 $9.99
Overlord™: Raising Hell header image Overlord™: Raising Hell $9.99
Bionic Dues header image Bionic Dues $9.99
Star Trek: Starfleet Command Gold Edition header image Star Trek: Starfleet Command Gold Edition $9.99
Runestone Keeper header image Runestone Keeper $9.99
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (2008) header image Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (2008) $9.99
Q.U.B.E: Director Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut $9.99
Dragon Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp $9.99
Sakura Beach header image Sakura Beach $9.99
Majesty Gold HD header image Majesty Gold HD $9.99
GoNNER header image GoNNER $9.99
STAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition header image STAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition $9.99
Orcs Must Die! header image Orcs Must Die! $9.99
Deus Ex: The Fall header image Deus Ex: The Fall $9.99
Star Trek™: Judgment Rites header image Star Trek™: Judgment Rites $9.99
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II header image Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II $9.99
Sakura Spirit header image Sakura Spirit $9.99
Dwarfs!? header image Dwarfs!? $9.99
PAYDAY 2 header image PAYDAY 2 $9.99
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days header image Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days $9.99
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper header image Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper $9.99
Zeno Clash header image Zeno Clash $9.99
Arma 2: British Armed Forces header image Arma 2: British Armed Forces $8.99
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin header image Hitman 2: Silent Assassin $8.99
Tomb Raider: Underworld header image Tomb Raider: Underworld $8.99
Arma 2: Private Military Company header image Arma 2: Private Military Company $8.99
Thief: Deadly Shadows header image Thief: Deadly Shadows $8.99
Tomb Raider: Anniversary header image Tomb Raider: Anniversary $8.99
Cibele header image Cibele $8.99
Alan Wake Alan Wake's American Nightmare $8.99
Tormentor❌Punisher header image Tormentor❌Punisher $7.99
Half-Life 2: Episode Two header image Half-Life 2: Episode Two $7.99
Star Ruler header image Star Ruler $7.99
Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon header image Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon $7.99
Commando Jack header image Commando Jack $7.99
Half-Life 2: Episode One header image Half-Life 2: Episode One $7.99
Twickles header image Twickles $6.99
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell header image Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell $6.99
Tomb Raider II header image Tomb Raider II $6.99
Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone" header image Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone" $6.99
Legacy of Kain: Defiance header image Legacy of Kain: Defiance $6.99
Pajama Sam 4: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! header image Pajama Sam 4: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! $6.99
HunieCam Studio header image HunieCam Studio $6.99
Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon header image Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon $6.99
Putt-Putt® Joins the Circus header image Putt-Putt® Joins the Circus $6.99
Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed header image Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed $6.99
Deus Ex: Invisible War header image Deus Ex: Invisible War $6.99
Tomb Raider V: Chronicles header image Tomb Raider V: Chronicles $6.99
Putt-Putt® Saves The Zoo header image Putt-Putt® Saves The Zoo $6.99
Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade header image Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade $6.99
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch header image Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch $6.99
Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain header image Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain $6.99
Thief™ II: The Metal Age header image Thief™ II: The Metal Age $6.99
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 header image Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 $6.99
Putt-Putt® Enters the Race header image Putt-Putt® Enters the Race $6.99
Putt-Putt®: Pep Putt-Putt®: Pep's Birthday Surprise $6.99
Tomb Raider III header image Tomb Raider III $6.99
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse header image Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse $6.99
Tomb Raider I header image Tomb Raider I $6.99
Spy Fox 2 "Some Assembly Required" header image Spy Fox 2 "Some Assembly Required" $6.99
Escape from Monkey Island™ header image Escape from Monkey Island™ $6.99
Tomb Raider VI: The Angel of Darkness header image Tomb Raider VI: The Angel of Darkness $6.99
Nancy Drew®: The Final Scene header image Nancy Drew®: The Final Scene $6.99
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet header image Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet $6.99
Finding Teddy header image Finding Teddy $6.99
Putt-Putt® Travels Through Time header image Putt-Putt® Travels Through Time $6.99
Anachronox header image Anachronox $6.99
Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds header image Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds $6.99
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove header image Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove $6.99
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation header image Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation $6.99
Daikatana header image Daikatana $6.99
Fatty Bear Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise $6.99
Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" header image Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" $6.99
Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered header image Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered $5.99
iBomber Defense Pacific header image iBomber Defense Pacific $5.99
Time Commando header image Time Commando $5.99
Orborun header image Orborun $5.99
STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga header image STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga $5.99
Pizza Connection 2 header image Pizza Connection 2 $5.99
Penguins Arena: Sedna Penguins Arena: Sedna's World $5.99
Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon header image Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon $5.99
STAR WARS™ Starfighter™ header image STAR WARS™ Starfighter™ $5.99
Scourge: Outbreak header image Scourge: Outbreak $5.99
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail header image Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail $5.99
STAR WARS™ Rebellion header image STAR WARS™ Rebellion $5.99
Pizza Connection header image Pizza Connection $5.99
Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Uncut and Uncensored header image Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Uncut and Uncensored $5.99
Putt-Putt® and Pep Putt-Putt® and Pep's Dog on a Stick $4.99
Guns of Icarus Online header image Guns of Icarus Online $4.99
Ionball 2: Ionstorm header image Ionball 2: Ionstorm $4.99
Sid Meier Sid Meier's Civilization® III Complete $4.99
Wolfenstein 3D header image Wolfenstein 3D $4.99
140 header image 140 $4.99
Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work header image Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work $4.99
Puzzle Bots header image Puzzle Bots $4.99
Civilization IV®: Warlords header image Civilization IV®: Warlords $4.99
Cubetractor header image Cubetractor $4.99
X-COM: Terror From the Deep header image X-COM: Terror From the Deep $4.99
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies header image Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies $4.99
Freddi Fish and Luther Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness $4.99
DOOM (1993) header image DOOM (1993) $4.99
Freddi Fish and Luther Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries $4.99
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection header image Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection $4.99
Civilization IV®: Warlords header image Civilization IV®: Warlords $4.99
Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary header image Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary $4.99
And 148 more...
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00pengu7 Best Value Games

GameHoursCost Per Hour
Tomb RaiderTomb Raider139$0.11
Saints Row: The ThirdSaints Row: The Third40$0.25
Running Through RussiaRunning Through Russia4$0.25
ARK: Survival EvolvedARK: Survival Evolved67$0.30
Bejeweled® 3Bejeweled® 315$0.34
Call of Duty®: Infinite WarfareCall of Duty®: Infinite Warfare152$0.40
LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super HeroesLEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes49$0.42
LEGO® Marvel™ Super HeroesLEGO® Marvel™ Super Heroes46$0.43
The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim45$0.45
Tetris® Effect: ConnectedTetris® Effect: Connected88$0.46

00pengu7 Steam Signature

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00pengu7 Steam Signature

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00pengu7 Calculator

Total value of Steam game collection today: $11759.12 USD.
Total number of Steam games owned: 851.
Total playtime: 2335 hours.
The best value for money game in this collection is Tomb Raider that cost only $0.11 per hour.

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