Steam Id for BRTO, also known as DM010 from New York, United States. Real name AP and SteamID64 is 76561198042370741
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:1:41052506
steamID3: [U:1:82105013]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198042370741
steamID64 (Hex): 110000104e4d2b5
profile state Public
profile created May 25th, 2011
name BRTO
real name AP
location New York, United States
Last update April 27, 2023

BRTO Steam Friends list

MrSmilez STEAM_0:0:3243877 4948 days
00junior STEAM_0:0:13560881 4936 days
Kiros Xannon STEAM_0:0:18366851 4479 days
The Pope of Chilitown STEAM_0:1:19461700 4885 days
Zokoj STEAM_0:1:21560600 4727 days
Hitman STEAM_0:0:22811310 4948 days
Underclocker STEAM_0:1:25654353 4611 days
Vintage Sunblast2099 STEAM_0:0:27142010 4722 days
Microsoft Edge STEAM_0:1:28715662 4665 days
metalcake6 STEAM_0:1:29325396 4868 days
MINECAR STEAM_0:0:32385241 2917 days
TinoPeppino STEAM_0:0:37076009 4723 days
EmptyHeadNoThoughts STEAM_0:0:39117887 4728 days
Deathbyspoon31 STEAM_0:1:40679180 4538 days
solstructx3 STEAM_0:0:41065675 4948 days
incognito2009 STEAM_0:1:43193650 4840 days
Who Knows STEAM_0:0:43249147 4862 days
Lonewulf123 STEAM_0:1:43981270 4548 days
Grand Finale STEAM_0:1:47836761 4714 days
Mirasol STEAM_0:0:48402413 4705 days
ableabel714 STEAM_0:1:49867917 4659 days

BRTO Steam Signature

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BRTO Steam Signature

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