ninJa Steam ID

Steam Id for ninJa, also known as ninJaDEFUSE from Baku, Baki, Azerbaijan. Real name Jan and SteamID64 is 76561198023108984
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:0:31421628
steamID3: [U:1:62843256]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561198023108984
steamID64 (Hex): 110000103bee978
profile state Public
profile created March 27th, 2010
name ninJa
real name Jan
location Baku, Baki, Azerbaijan
Last update January 12, 2023

ninJa Steam Friends list

Aka\A\ STEAM_0:1:346361 3280 days
Holy War STEAM_0:0:8305434 4620 days
XpoHuK STEAM_0:0:12600962 1330 days
HACTЁHKA STEAM_0:1:16020512 5077 days
SADAM HUSEIN STEAM_0:1:16907901 4562 days
FamilyVlogs STEAM_0:0:17889506 4164 days
shakwon STEAM_0:1:19184141 3760 days
~M@/|b|III~ STEAM_0:1:20732085 3968 days
Aggro Ka0Z STEAM_0:1:22141569 1755 days
Look into my eyes STEAM_0:1:26625524 4738 days
KLaSSNIY STEAM_0:0:26865852 5057 days
Fr1nk0 STEAM_0:1:28346508 5420 days
dur@cell^^ STEAM_0:1:28882164 5437 days
AAD STEAM_0:0:30909495 5201 days
exromany STEAM_0:1:32590688 3721 days
ok!? STEAM_0:0:32649512 5204 days
Erkki Lahtinen STEAM_0:1:32792644 5223 days
fN~ STEAM_0:0:34579201 5188 days
gLoom41k STEAM_0:0:35111368 5191 days
So' STEAM_0:0:35422304 5176 days
h4rd STEAM_0:1:36250833 5070 days

ninJa Steam Signature

Here is the ninJa Steam signature - you can use this on forums, social media, Twitch and anywhere else you like. Direct link the image and it will update when called with your latest stats and games. Make your own steam signature card by finding your SteamID on this site.

ninJa Steam Signature

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