Steam Id for TheLOOGE, also known as TheLOOGE from Indiana, United States. Real name Jordan and SteamID64 is 76561197999043135
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:1:19388703
steamID3: [U:1:38777407]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561197999043135
steamID64 (Hex): 1100001024fb23f
profile state Public
profile created June 4th, 2008
name TheLOOGE
real name Jordan
location Indiana, United States
Last update December 21, 2022

TheLOOGE Steam Friends list

Biggy STEAM_0:1:5954 20134 days
Big-Tool STEAM_0:0:183972 20134 days
najeroni STEAM_0:0:379303 20134 days
elik STEAM_0:1:502708 20134 days
Ghost STEAM_0:0:2816843 20134 days
CREZ0N STEAM_0:0:3320656 20134 days
Sir Go-7 // Damn STEAM_0:1:3445025 20134 days
greasedupdeafguy STEAM_0:1:3477384 20134 days
Falstaff STEAM_0:0:4949052 20134 days
Little "The Flying P90" krack STEAM_0:1:5323721 5870 days
MrMojo STEAM_0:0:5409733 20134 days
DisposableH STEAM_0:0:5588860 5939 days
MacGyver7575 STEAM_0:1:5666924 20134 days
Ray Romano STEAM_0:1:5762663 20134 days
MaruRX7 STEAM_0:0:6584702 20134 days
Beef STEAM_0:0:7722719 20134 days
dotlocal STEAM_0:1:8671764 5938 days
.hogan STEAM_0:0:9332266 20134 days
Magical Macho King STEAM_0:0:9661289 20134 days
Ubiquitous STEAM_0:1:9847712 20134 days
{CC}TheElder STEAM_0:1:11556433 5925 days

TheLOOGE Steam Signature

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TheLOOGE Steam Signature

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