McChuck Steam ID

Steam Id for McChuck, also known as mcchuck. SteamID64 is 76561197970815850
Steam Collection Value$4,909.39
Pile of Shame Value$2,508.27
Best Value GameFallout: New Vegas
Jump To Pile Of Shame Jump To Best Value Games
steamID: STEAM_0:0:5275061
steamID3: [U:1:10550122]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561197970815850
steamID64 (Hex): 110000100a0fb6a
profile state Public
profile created November 20th, 2004
name McChuck
real name Not set
location Not set
Last update November 30, 2022

McChuck Pile of Shame

There are 200 unplayed games in McChuck's Pile of Shame.

They've only played 46% of the games in their collection.

Pile of shame value $2,508.27
Enough to buy 6 Steam DecksLine art of a Steam Deck
NameGame Cost
F.E.A.R. header image F.E.A.R. $54.99
F.E.A.R. header image F.E.A.R. $54.99
Resident Evil Re:Verse header image Resident Evil Re:Verse $39.99
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition header image The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition $39.99
Kerbal Space Program header image Kerbal Space Program $39.99
The Witness header image The Witness $39.99
3DMark header image 3DMark $34.99
Fable Anniversary header image Fable Anniversary $34.99
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 header image The Jackbox Party Pack 5 $29.99
Fire Pro Wrestling World header image Fire Pro Wrestling World $29.99
Borderlands Game of the Year header image Borderlands Game of the Year $29.99
Steep™ header image Steep™ $29.99
Mafia II: Definitive Edition header image Mafia II: Definitive Edition $29.99
Mass Effect 2 (2010) Edition header image Mass Effect 2 (2010) Edition $29.99
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced header image Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced $29.99
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 header image The Jackbox Party Pack 3 $24.99
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 header image The Jackbox Party Pack 2 $24.99
Telepath Tactics Liberated header image Telepath Tactics Liberated $24.99
Kentucky Route Zero: PC Edition header image Kentucky Route Zero: PC Edition $24.99
Blasphemous header image Blasphemous $24.99
PowerWash Simulator header image PowerWash Simulator $24.99
Scarlet Hollow header image Scarlet Hollow $24.99
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition header image Rise of Nations: Extended Edition $19.99
Night in the Woods header image Night in the Woods $19.99
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl header image S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl $19.99
STAR WARS™ - The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition header image STAR WARS™ - The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition $19.99
Geneforge 5: Overthrow header image Geneforge 5: Overthrow $19.99
BioShock™ 2 Remastered header image BioShock™ 2 Remastered $19.99
Dead Space™ 2 header image Dead Space™ 2 $19.99
STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack header image STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack $19.99
Sid Meier Sid Meier's Civilization® IV $19.99
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs header image Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs $19.99
Outlast header image Outlast $19.99
The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game - Definitive Edition header image The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game - Definitive Edition $19.99
Invisible, Inc. header image Invisible, Inc. $19.99
Rebel Galaxy header image Rebel Galaxy $19.99
Geneforge 3 header image Geneforge 3 $19.99
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition header image Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition $19.99
Scythe: Digital Edition header image Scythe: Digital Edition $19.99
Trine 2: Complete Story header image Trine 2: Complete Story $19.99
Homebody header image Homebody $19.99
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines header image Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines $19.99
Costume Quest 2 header image Costume Quest 2 $19.99
Geneforge 1 header image Geneforge 1 $19.99
Antichamber header image Antichamber $19.99
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered header image Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered $19.99
Max Payne 3 header image Max Payne 3 $19.99
Company of Heroes header image Company of Heroes $19.99
Mount & Blade: Warband header image Mount & Blade: Warband $19.99
Tales from the Borderlands header image Tales from the Borderlands $19.99
Geneforge 4: Rebellion header image Geneforge 4: Rebellion $19.99
Sid Meier Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization $19.99
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe header image Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe $19.99
STAR WARS™: The Force Unleashed™ II header image STAR WARS™: The Force Unleashed™ II $19.99
Geneforge 2 header image Geneforge 2 $19.99
L.A. Noire header image L.A. Noire $19.99
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead header image Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead $19.99
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries header image The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries $14.99
Braid header image Braid $14.99
Telepath Tactics header image Telepath Tactics $14.99
Brutal Legend header image Brutal Legend $14.99
Batman - The Telltale Series header image Batman - The Telltale Series $14.99
Don Don't Starve Together $14.99
Titan Souls header image Titan Souls $14.99
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams header image Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams $14.99
Faerie Solitaire header image Faerie Solitaire $14.99
TowerFall Ascension header image TowerFall Ascension $14.99
World of Goo header image World of Goo $14.99
King King's Bounty: Crossworlds $14.99
Lone Survivor: The Director Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut $14.99
No Time To Explain Remastered header image No Time To Explain Remastered $14.99
Octodad: Dadliest Catch header image Octodad: Dadliest Catch $14.99
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon header image Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon $14.99
Mafia header image Mafia $14.99
Grim Fandango Remastered header image Grim Fandango Remastered $14.99
Day of the Tentacle Remastered header image Day of the Tentacle Remastered $14.99
The Cave header image The Cave $14.99
Faerie Solitaire Remastered header image Faerie Solitaire Remastered $14.99
Monaco: What Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine $14.99
Arma 2 header image Arma 2 $12.99
Half-Life: Source header image Half-Life: Source $9.99
Small World header image Small World $9.99
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ header image STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ $9.99
The Hex header image The Hex $9.99
The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition header image The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition $9.99
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ header image STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ $9.99
Counter-Strike header image Counter-Strike $9.99
Aquaria header image Aquaria $9.99
STAR WARS™ Republic Commando™ header image STAR WARS™ Republic Commando™ $9.99
SteamWorld Dig header image SteamWorld Dig $9.99
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source header image Half-Life Deathmatch: Source $9.99
DEFCON header image DEFCON $9.99
Risk of Rain header image Risk of Rain $9.99
Mount & Blade header image Mount & Blade $9.99
Avadon: The Black Fortress header image Avadon: The Black Fortress $9.99
STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast™ header image STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast™ $9.99
Gunpoint header image Gunpoint $9.99
Gods Will Be Watching header image Gods Will Be Watching $9.99
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword header image Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword $9.99
Twilight Struggle header image Twilight Struggle $9.99
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero header image Counter-Strike: Condition Zero $9.99
PAYDAY 2 header image PAYDAY 2 $9.99
Shadowgrounds Survivor header image Shadowgrounds Survivor $9.99
Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics header image Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics $9.99
Magicka header image Magicka $9.99
Lugaru HD header image Lugaru HD $9.99
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) header image Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) $9.99
Avernum: Escape From the Pit header image Avernum: Escape From the Pit $9.99
King King's Bounty: Armored Princess $9.99
Garry Garry's Mod $9.99
FEZ header image FEZ $9.99
STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy™ header image STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy™ $9.99
SpaceChem header image SpaceChem $9.99
Papers, Please header image Papers, Please $9.99
Splendor header image Splendor $9.99
The Fall header image The Fall $9.99
Zeno Clash header image Zeno Clash $9.99
Beat Hazard header image Beat Hazard $9.99
Far Cry® header image Far Cry® $9.99
Penumbra Overture header image Penumbra Overture $9.99
The Ship: Murder Party header image The Ship: Murder Party $9.99
Strife: Veteran Edition header image Strife: Veteran Edition $9.99
LIMBO header image LIMBO $9.99
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition header image Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition $9.99
Kingdom Rush  - Tower Defense header image Kingdom Rush - Tower Defense $9.99
Atom Zombie Smasher header image Atom Zombie Smasher $9.99
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero header image Counter-Strike: Condition Zero $9.99
Gish header image Gish $9.99
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword header image Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword $9.99
Thief: Deadly Shadows header image Thief: Deadly Shadows $8.99
King King's Bounty: The Legend $6.99
Thief™ II: The Metal Age header image Thief™ II: The Metal Age $6.99
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game header image Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game $6.99
Genital Jousting header image Genital Jousting $6.99
Thief™ Gold header image Thief™ Gold $6.99
Potion Explosion header image Potion Explosion $6.99
Love Letter header image Love Letter $6.99
Patchwork header image Patchwork $6.99
King and Assassins header image King and Assassins $6.99
Eets Munchies header image Eets Munchies $6.99
STAR WARS™ - Dark Forces header image STAR WARS™ - Dark Forces $5.99
STAR WARS™ Starfighter™ header image STAR WARS™ Starfighter™ $5.99
STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II header image STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II $5.99
Samorost 2 header image Samorost 2 $4.99
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition  Double Pack header image Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack $4.99
Organ Trail: Director Organ Trail: Director's Cut $4.99
Dungeons of Dredmor header image Dungeons of Dredmor $4.99
Ricochet header image Ricochet $4.99
Avernum 5 header image Avernum 5 $4.99
Five Nights at Freddy Five Nights at Freddy's $4.99
The Binding of Isaac header image The Binding of Isaac $4.99
Secret of the Magic Crystals header image Secret of the Magic Crystals $4.99
Nethergate: Resurrection header image Nethergate: Resurrection $4.99
Deathmatch Classic header image Deathmatch Classic $4.99
Freedom Force header image Freedom Force $4.99
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition  Double Pack header image Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack $4.99
McPixel header image McPixel $4.99
Gone Golfing header image Gone Golfing $4.99
Team Fortress Classic header image Team Fortress Classic $4.99
Civilization IV®: Warlords header image Civilization IV®: Warlords $4.99
Avernum 6 header image Avernum 6 $4.99
Half-Life: Opposing Force header image Half-Life: Opposing Force $4.99
Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich header image Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich $4.99
Half-Life: Blue Shift header image Half-Life: Blue Shift $4.99
Avernum 4 header image Avernum 4 $4.99
Civilization IV®: Warlords header image Civilization IV®: Warlords $4.99
Pony Island header image Pony Island $4.99
STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith™ header image STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith™ $2.99
Dogs Organized Neatly header image Dogs Organized Neatly $2.99
Trauma header image Trauma $2.99
Corpse of Discovery header image Corpse of Discovery $1.99
The Lord of the Rings Online™ header image The Lord of the Rings Online™
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series header image Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
Shadowgrounds header image Shadowgrounds
Back to the Future: The Game header image Back to the Future: The Game
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series header image Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series
BioShock™ header image BioShock™
Goat Simulator header image Goat Simulator
The Jackbox Survey Scramble header image The Jackbox Survey Scramble
Life is Strange - Episode 1 header image Life is Strange - Episode 1
Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour header image Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour
Back to the Future: Ep 4 - Double Visions header image Back to the Future: Ep 4 - Double Visions
BattleBlock Theater® header image BattleBlock Theater®
Day of Defeat: Source header image Day of Defeat: Source
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba header image Awesomenauts - the 2D moba
Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen! header image Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen!
Streamline header image Streamline
Aperture Desk Job header image Aperture Desk Job
Counter-Strike: Source header image Counter-Strike: Source
theHunter: Primal header image theHunter: Primal
Quest for Glory 1-5 header image Quest for Glory 1-5
Back to the Future: Ep 5 - OUTATIME header image Back to the Future: Ep 5 - OUTATIME
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch header image Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Spectre Divide header image Spectre Divide
The Jackbox Party Pack 7 header image The Jackbox Party Pack 7
Back to the Future: Ep 3 - Citizen Brown header image Back to the Future: Ep 3 - Citizen Brown
DuckTales: Remastered header image DuckTales: Remastered
Day of Defeat header image Day of Defeat
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McChuck Best Value Games

GameHoursCost Per Hour
Fallout: New VegasFallout: New Vegas81$0.12
Vampire SurvivorsVampire Survivors38$0.13
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition DirectorThe Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut58$0.17
The Witcher® 3: Wild HuntThe Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt170$0.24
Saints Row: The ThirdSaints Row: The Third43$0.24
Far Cry® 2Far Cry® 241$0.25
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate EditionDragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition112$0.27
Half-Life 2Half-Life 237$0.27
Dying LightDying Light71$0.43

McChuck Steam Friends list

LordofLeisure STEAM_0:1:11697 20134 days
homelessgiant STEAM_0:0:61936 20134 days
hubbinsd STEAM_0:0:80797 20134 days
Toddland STEAM_0:1:92756 20134 days
QuietRelic STEAM_0:1:96640 2881 days
firesloth STEAM_0:1:117669 4229 days
[GWJ]Arovin STEAM_0:0:170266 5170 days
Druidpeak STEAM_0:1:235872 20134 days
DemiurgeGWJ STEAM_0:0:259569 20134 days
Datin STEAM_0:0:264165 20134 days
Thirteenth STEAM_0:1:269573 20134 days
[GWJ] Rabbit STEAM_0:0:290135 20134 days
[GWJ] dejanzie STEAM_0:1:728426 5891 days
Archangel STEAM_0:1:825779 1722 days
[GWJ]Minase STEAM_0:1:917006 20134 days
Hemidal STEAM_0:0:1080032 20134 days
doogiemac STEAM_0:0:1106053 20134 days
TrashiDawa STEAM_0:1:1677689 20134 days
ThinJ STEAM_0:1:2148763 20134 days
Nihilo STEAM_0:1:2528084 20134 days
Staats STEAM_0:1:2908505 20134 days

McChuck Steam Signature

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McChuck Steam Signature

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McChuck Calculator

Total value of Steam game collection today: $4909.39 USD.
Total number of Steam games owned: 371.
Total playtime: 2513 hours.
The best value for money game in this collection is Fallout: New Vegas that cost only $0.12 per hour.

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