normaldave_1 Steam ID

Steam Id for normaldave_1 from Viet Nam. Real name David Newstead and SteamID64 is 76561197970667720
You have no visible games in your collection.
steamID: STEAM_0:0:5200996
steamID3: [U:1:10401992]
steamID64 (Dec): 76561197970667720
steamID64 (Hex): 1100001009eb8c8
profile state Public
profile created November 18th, 2004
name normaldave_1
real name David Newstead
location Viet Nam
Last update May 16, 2023

normaldave_1 Steam Friends list

SuperMegaPieMan STEAM_0:0:1935202 4889 days
[ph7]Ghazef STEAM_0:1:1993800 2208 days
Nick.Bwee STEAM_0:0:4297581 1425 days
PersonalNadir STEAM_0:0:5065411 1322 days
Schlobbles STEAM_0:0:5497274 2618 days
[ZSU] Crunklejaw STEAM_0:0:6302793 2577 days
Alien Boogaloo STEAM_0:0:11901913 1646 days
monobi STEAM_0:1:13994201 1645 days
Allarise STEAM_0:0:15779462 1647 days
Fathippie STEAM_0:1:35616749 0641 days
DeltaLambda STEAM_0:0:35901783 3174 days
meriones STEAM_0:1:36984322 1645 days
Tegg_Plays STEAM_0:0:48826771 1331 days
TheDomina STEAM_0:0:49115164 1632 days
Villanelle STEAM_0:0:96452542 3687 days
[unassigned] STEAM_0:1:109481076 2324 days
Montrey STEAM_0:1:109524178 3188 days
Ryga STEAM_0:1:127619125 1618 days

normaldave_1 Steam Signature

Here is the normaldave_1 Steam signature - you can use this on forums, social media, Twitch and anywhere else you like. Direct link the image and it will update when called with your latest stats and games. Make your own steam signature card by finding your SteamID on this site.

normaldave_1 Steam Signature

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